Our PortfolioOutreach We had a couple of Outreach projects such as mentoring a rookie FTC team, hosting workshops for kids to learn about programming and FTC with zoom, and we also volunteered at a school to teach kids about programming and FTC. When we were mentoring the rookie FTC team we tried to tell them tips that we would've wished to know when we were a rookie team or if they had any questions that was relating to our competitions or theirs we would try to answer them. One of the questions they asked us what kit to get for their robot and so we suggested GoBilda because from our experience we thought that Tetrix wasn't very reliable. We also recommended that they would CAD every build they were gonna make because then they could spot a mistake in an online version of their robot instead of their actual one so that it would save more time. For the workshops we used FTC Sim by Pixel Pad which allowed us to teach kids how FTC works without using an actual robot. Strategy Our goal in the beginning of the season was to deliver the wobble goal to the target zone, navigation, score 3 of the high goals for autonomous. For driver control we wanted to score at least 10 rings into the medium or high goals. For Endgame we wanted to place the wobble goal onto the drop zone, and to shoot 3 power shots. But after some leagues we changed up our strategy, we realized that we couldn't score 10 rings so we switched it to at least 6 rings. We were able to achieve our goal, we were able to run a nearly perfect autonomous and we scored 6 rings into the high and medium goals. Design Our robot used REV mecanum wheels for better movement, we left area for an intake device and our drivers base was square shaped. We also have a wobbler goal grabber which had a servo to make sure that the wobble goal would fall out of our grasp. Our intake had a 3D printed ramp that lead the rings with 2 AndyMark compliant wheels into our storage system which could store 3 rings. Our shooter has uses an ark to build up speed for the ring while its in contact with a flywheel. The platform where the ring is going to be shot at was also 3D printed. Programming We decided use Android Studio because OnBotJava had lots of glitches. It took some time to setup Android Studio. The main laptop we were programming on refused to connect to the Rev Control Hub and so we spent lots of time trying debug this issue but we couldn't solve this so instead we used another laptop which worked fine. For driver control the left stick controls the movement of the robot(360 degrees). The right stick controls our the turning. The other buttons and bumpers make the robot to other things like the shooting rings and intaking rings. We made a super class for each of our autonomous programs containing basic functions like driving and turning. For driving we used encoders to increase accuracy, we also use a gyroscope and a webcam to increase consistency. Our robot needs to be able to observe the amount of rings in the starter stack and so we thought that a webcam would be the most efficient method. Our webcam would look at the image and count the rings by counting the amount of orange pixels. Because last year we had issues with inconsistent turns we decided to use the gyroscope that's in the built in IMU in our Rec Control Hub this year. The gyro measures rotation on 3 axes and so we went through the process of trial and error to find the right axes. Meetings We med up online on discord because of the COVID guidelines and in those meetings we would go over what was done and what needs to be done. The robot would at our coaches house and there were times where some of house would go and build some of the robot whilst following the COVID guidelines. We had one gather up at the end of the year to work on the robot one last time. The whole team was there and it was really great to hangout and work on the robot together.